Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cornered Cat Update

I wanted to give a quick update as to where we are on this class. 

First I want to let everyone know I don't get anything if this class goes and I lose nothing if it doesn't.  When I invited Mrs. Jackson to come here, I had already paid in full for her class in Memphis.  I wanted her to come to Virginia because I respect her and I love this community.  I wanted to do what I could to offer another top quality instructor to the folks here and hopefully to bring some publicity to what I consider to be one of the best local resources our area has, FPF Training. That's it.  That was my entire motivation. I don't get a stipend and I didn't have to put anything down to get Kathy to come.  I was offered a spot in the class, but since I already took it and I am a big fan of giving back, I gave my spot to a woman in the community who currently is not able to afford such a class.  I say this, so you can be assured that what I am about to tell you is the truth.

Spots are going quickly.  We still have room, but if you are seriously thinking about taking this course, I would consider making the decision soon.

I am so gosh darn excited!  I can't wait to meet you all!!


  1. You are a VERY generous person!!!

  2. I just paid, Can Not Wait! I love her book and am really excited about the training. Thank you for facilitating this!

  3. I am so jealous that you got to go to the Cornered Cat class!!!! I am new to the GUN stuff... her website was one of the first I found with the best information. I found your blog and love your writing style (I went all the way back to the begining and read all of your posts!). Plus you must be cool because we have the same gun : ) The baby glock, but I see you've recently gotten a new toy though! Jealous again, even though I LOVE my glock. A girl can never have too many toys now can we?

  4. Hi! I can't believe you went back and read all my posts...thank you for the kind words. I do have a new gun, but I love my Glock and I am having a bit of a time separating from her. I feel very comfortable with that gun, so we will see what happens.

    Welcome to the gun world. I am sure you will find it to be a very welcoming and supportive place.

    I dropped by your blog...very cool. I like to work out to, but you are way more disciplined then me:)

  5. I just found your blog from gun blog black list and thought I'd say hi. Excuse my ignorance but is this the same woman who wrote the cornered cat book?

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, the class is being taught by Kathy Jackson aka The Cornered Cat. If you click on the link at the top of my side bar there is a longer post about the class with links to both Kathy's information and the range at which the course is being held.
