Monday, February 13, 2012

I Wil Call Her...

Ok, real quick. I loved all the names and I can not tell you how much I appreciated everyone giving me their thoughts and input. Really, it meant a lot to me.

I wanted a name that had meaning both historically to the gun and to me personally. Several suggestions fit one or the other, but only one fit both. I had two readers suggest the name I picked. One left a comment on the blog and one sent me an email. I will send them both a box of chocolate.

The name I chose is Anastasiya. I will use the traditional Russian spelling and it means "resurrection" It is defined as "the literal coming back to life".

I don't think I need to say anymore.

Chris in TX email me your address to


  1. But, but... mini me is out of the question?

  2. A nice, long name just like the gun. Now you need to go on a quest for Mosin humor. It is out there and it is hilarious.

  3. One step ahead of 45er... :D

  4. Congratulations on naming the Mosin!! It really fits you as you have been resurrected with strength and determination.

    May all the rounds shot out of her have a smile behind them!

  5. Congrats on new addition to the family (don't know much about them but it sure looks like a very cool rifle!) and I love the name you decided to go with! Glad you got out and took her shooting; I actually went out and shot my new SP101 Saturday for the first time, as well...even though it was single digit temps (- 11 degrees with windchill!) and loved i (the gun, not the cold)! Look forward to learning more about your new guns along with you! ;)

  6. now where did i put that case of 7.62x54r?

  7. I'm honored. I had no idea the name meant resurrection, but it's fitting. A weapon designed for the czars, built over a half century ago, left to languish in an armoury, now has a new life thanks to you. With proper care she will serve for decades to come. Well done, and email sent.

    BTW, my M-N Tanya is 80 years old this year. I hope I'm still as good looking (and functional) when I get that age.
